Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami. It began serialization in Weekly Shōnen Jump in 2018 and quickly gained widespread popularity. The series is set in a world where curses—malevolent supernatural entities born from negative human emotions—exist, and sorcerers, known as "Jujutsu Sorcerers," use special techniques to combat them.
Plot Overview:
The story follows Yuji Itadori, an unusually strong high school student with a normal life. However, his world is turned upside down when he comes into contact with a cursed object—one of the fingers of Ryomen Sukuna, a powerful curse known as the "King of Curses." In an attempt to save his friends, Yuji swallows the cursed finger, which binds him to Sukuna's deadly power.
Yuji is then taken to Tokyo Jujutsu High, a school for Jujutsu Sorcerers, where he begins his training under the guidance of the most powerful sorcerer, Satoru Gojo. Alongside his fellow students, Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki, Yuji embarks on a dangerous journey to collect all of Sukuna's remaining fingers to prevent the curse from regaining its full strength.
Main Characters:
Yuji Itadori: The protagonist of the series, Yuji is physically strong, kind-hearted, and determined to do the right thing. After swallowing Sukuna's finger, he becomes the host for the curse but vows to use his powers for good.
Satoru Gojo: The strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer and Yuji's mentor. Gojo is known for his overwhelming power and his playful, charismatic personality. He is a major figure in the battle against curses.
Megumi Fushiguro: A reserved and serious Jujutsu Sorcerer who is Yuji's classmate and ally. He is skilled in using cursed techniques and has a strong sense of duty.
Nobara Kugisaki: Another of Yuji's classmates, Nobara is confident, headstrong, and a fierce fighter. She uses a combination of cursed energy and her own unique techniques in battle.
Themes and Elements:
Jujutsu Kaisen blends dark fantasy, action, and supernatural elements, with themes of death, life, and the consequences of one's choices. The series also explores the bonds between the characters, the moral complexities of the world they inhabit, and the dangers posed by powerful curses. With its fast-paced action, deep world-building, and emotional storytelling, Jujutsu Kaisen has captivated audiences worldwide.
The series has been adapted into an anime television series, which premiered in 2020 and gained massive popularity for its stunning animation and intense fight scenes.
『呪術廻戦』(じゅじゅつ かいせん)は、芥見下々(あくたみ げげ)による日本の漫画作品で、2018年から『週刊少年ジャンプ』で連載されています。物語は、呪術という超自然的な力を使う「呪術師」と呼ばれる人々の世界を舞台にしています。
物語は、普通の高校生である**虎杖悠仁(いたどり ゆうじ)**を中心に展開します。虎杖は、超人的な身体能力を持ちながらも、平凡な生活を送っていました。ある日、彼は友人を助けるために呪物(呪いの物)を手に入れてしまいます。その呪物は、強大な呪霊「両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな)」の指であり、この指を飲み込んだことから、虎杖は両面宿儺の力を宿すことになります。
その後、呪術師である**五条悟(ごじょう さとる)**に出会い、呪術の世界に足を踏み入れることとなります。虎杖は、呪術高専という呪術師を養成する学校に入学し、仲間たちと共に呪霊と戦いながら、両面宿儺の指を集める任務に挑みます。
虎杖悠仁(いたどり ゆうじ):主人公。呪術の力を持つことになり、呪術高専に入学。正義感が強く、仲間や弱者を守るために戦う。
五条悟(ごじょう さとる):呪術高専の教師で、最強の呪術師。非常に高い戦闘能力と天才的な才覚を持つ。
伏黒恵(ふしぐろ めぐみ):呪術高専の生徒で、虎杖の同級生。冷静で真面目な性格で、呪術師としての実力も高い。
釘崎野薔薇(くぎさき のばら):呪術高専の生徒で、虎杖と伏黒の仲間。強気な性格で、戦闘でも勇敢に立ち向かう。