The Quintessential Quintuplets (Japanese: Go-Toubun no Hanayome) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Negi Haruba. It was serialized from 2017 to 2020 in Weekly Shōnen Magazine and has been adapted into an anime and film series.
The story follows Fuutarou Uesugi, a high school student who is a top scorer in his school but comes from a poor family. He is hired as a private tutor for the five Nakano sisters, who are quintuplets, but each has terrible grades. Despite their differing personalities and initial lack of interest in studying, Fuutarou begins to form bonds with them, and the story gradually evolves into a romantic comedy with emotional twists.
The five sisters are:
Ichika Nakano (the eldest): A former idol who is mature and responsible, but also carries a lot of emotional baggage.
Nino Nakano (the second eldest): Initially hostile toward Fuutarou, Nino is strong-willed, stubborn, and somewhat tsundere in nature.
Miku Nakano (the third sister): A shy, introverted girl who loves history, and is the most reserved of the quintuplets.
Yotsuba Nakano (the fourth sister): Energetic, optimistic, and always ready to help others, but also hides a complex past.
Itsuki Nakano (the youngest): A hardworking and diligent student who is initially the most opposed to Fuutarou's presence but eventually grows fond of him.
As the story progresses, Fuutarou's relationships with each of the sisters grow deeper, and his feelings become increasingly complicated. The story focuses not just on academic success but on the sisters' personal growth, their individual struggles, and the blossoming romance that develops among them.
The series is well-known for its humor, heartwarming moments, and unpredictable plot twists. Fans are drawn to the characters' charm, the emotional depth of the story, and the suspense surrounding who Fuutarou will ultimately choose as his romantic partner.
The Quintessential Quintuplets became very popular, receiving both an anime adaptation and a movie series, which helped expand its fanbase worldwide.